Heston Model
Model dynamics:
classdef Heston < handle
Heston 1993 implementation using closed form solution
The pricing routine is implemented using charecterstic functions
Private Properties
properties (Access = private) initialParamConfig = struct(... 'v0',[],... 'theta',[],... 'rho',[],... 'kappa',[],... 'sigma',[],... 'alpha0',[]); calibrated = ModelCalibration.NOT_CALIBRATED; calibratedParam = struct(... 'v0',[],... 'theta',[],... 'rho',[],... 'kappa',[],... 'sigma',[],... 'alpha',[]); end
methods (Access = public) function this = Heston() % dev: check and load inital param for calibration checkAndLoadModelConfig(this); end end
Public methods
methods (Access = public)
Calls private method to calculate prices
function [prices,alphas] = getCallPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div) if (this.isCalibrated == ModelCalibration.NOT_CALIBRATED ||... this.isCalibrated == ModelCalibration.FAILURE) Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'Model not calibrated, calibrate before calling pricing methods!'); end [prices,alphas] = calculateCallPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,... this.calibratedParam.v0,... this.calibratedParam.theta,... this.calibratedParam.rho,... this.calibratedParam.kappa,... this.calibratedParam.sigma,... this.initialParamConfig.alpha0); end
Calls private method to calculate prices
function [prices,alphas] = getPutPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div) if (isCalibrated == ModelCalibration.NOT_CALIBRATED ||... isCalibrated == ModelCalibration.FAILURE) Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'Model not calibrated, calibrate before calling pricing methods!'); end [prices,alphas] = calculatePutPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,... this.calibratedParam.v0,... this.calibratedParam.theta,... this.calibratedParam.rho,... this.calibratedParam.kappa,... this.calibratedParam.sigma,... this.initialParamConfig.alpha0); end
Calibrates model to set of input market prices
function calibrate(this,marketPrice, strike, timeToMaturity, interestRate,type, sInitial,div) if (this.isCalibrated == ModelCalibration.SUCCESS) Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'Model already calibrated!'); else calibrateModel(this,marketPrice,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,type,sInitial,div); this.calibrated = ModelCalibration.SUCCESS; end end
Private methods
methods (Access = private)
Interal Method: Calibrates model to set of input market prices
function calibrateModel(this,marketPrice,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,type,sInitial,div) if (sum(strcmp(type, type{1})) ~= length(type)) Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'Use identical type of options to calibrate, either all calls or puts'); end iniParams = [this.initialParamConfig.v0,... this.initialParamConfig.theta,... this.initialParamConfig.rho,... this.initialParamConfig.kappa,... this.initialParamConfig.sigma]; alpha0 = this.initialParamConfig.alpha0; if (sum(strcmp(type, 'call')) == length(type)) % Display plotting functions while GA minimizes % options = optimoptions('ga','PlotFcn',... % {@gaplotbestf,@gaplotbestindiv,@gaplotexpectation,@gaplotstopping}); % [paramsOut,fval,exitflag,output] = ga(@(x) sum((marketPrice - ... % this.calculateCallPrice(strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),alpha0)).^2),5,... % [],[],[],[],[0 0 -0.9 0 0],[1 2 0.9 20 2],[],[],options); paramsOut = fmincon(@(x) sum((marketPrice - ... this.calculateCallPrice(strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),alpha0)).^2),... iniParams,[],[],[],[],... [0 0 -0.9 0 0], ... % dev:LB calibrated params [1 5 0.9 20 5]); % options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','Display', 'iter'); %'Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt' % paramsOut = lsqnonlin(@(x) (marketPrice - ... % this.calculateCallPrice(strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),alpha0)),... % paramsOut,... % [0 0 -0.9 0 0], ... % dev:LB calibrated params % [1 5 0.9 20 5], ... % dev:UB for calibrated params % options); else paramsOut = fmincon(@(x) sum((marketPrice - ... this.calculatePutPrice(strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),alpha0)).^2),... iniParams,[],[],[],[],... [0 0 -0.9 0 0], ... % dev:LB calibrated params [1 5 0.9 20 5]); % lsqnonlin(@(x) sum(abs(marketPrice - ... % this.calculatePutPrice(strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),alpha0))./marketPrice),... % iniParams,... % [0 0 -0.9 0 0], ... % dev:LB calibrated params % [1 1 0.9 100 1], ... % dev:UB for calibrated params % options); end this.calibratedParam.v0 = paramsOut(1); this.calibratedParam.theta = paramsOut(2); this.calibratedParam.rho = paramsOut(3); this.calibratedParam.kappa = paramsOut(4); this.calibratedParam.sigma = paramsOut(5); end
function [prices,alphas] = calculateCallPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,... v0,theta,rho,kappa,sigma,alpha) % check total num of inputs nosOfOptions = length(strike); % ctrate nan vec to store results prices = nan(nosOfOptions,1); alphas = nan(nosOfOptions,1); % calculate forward S mu = interestRate - div; fwds = sInitial.*exp(mu.*timeToMaturity); for i = 1:nosOfOptions try % using fzero here instead of fminsearch alphaPrime = fzero( @(a) this.psi(a,strike(i), fwds(i), kappa, theta,... rho, sigma, timeToMaturity(i), v0), alpha); alphas(i) = alphaPrime; catch alphas(i) = alpha; end prices(i) = this.Ralpha(fwds(i), strike(i), alphas(i))+1/pi* ... integral(@(x) this.phi(x, strike(i), alphas(i), fwds(i), kappa, theta,... rho, sigma, timeToMaturity(i), v0) , 0, Inf); end end
function [prices,alphas] = calculatePutPrice(this,strike,timeToMaturity,interestRate,sInitial,div,... v0,theta,rho,kappa,sigma,alpha) % check total num of inputs nosOfOptions = length(strike); % ctrate nan vec to store results prices = nan(nosOfOptions,1); alphas = nan(nosOfOptions,1); % calculate forward S mu = interestRate - div; fwds = sInitial.*exp(mu.*timeToMaturity); for i = 1:nosOfOptions try % using fzero here instead of fminsearch alphaPrime = fzero( @(a) this.psi(a,strike(i), fwds(i), kappa, theta, rho, sigma, timeToMaturity(i), v0), alpha); alphas(i) = alphaPrime; catch alphas(i) = alpha; end prices(i) = this.Ralpha(fwds(i), strike(i), alphas(i))+1/pi* ... integral(@(x) this.phi(x, strike(i), alphas(i), fwds(i), kappa, theta, rho, sigma, timeToMaturity(i), v0) , 0, Inf); prices(i) = prices(i) + strike(i) * exp(-interestRate(i) * ... timeToMaturity(i)) - sInitial(i) * exp(-div(i)*timeToMaturity(i)); end end
Charecterstic Functions
methods (Access = private) % psi function p = psi(this,alpha, K, F, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau, v0) k = log(K); p = -alpha*k+0.5*log(this.phi(-(alpha+1)*1i, K, alpha, F, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau, v0)^2); end % Ralpha function r = Ralpha(this,F, K, alpha) r = F*(alpha<=0)-K*(alpha<=-1)-0.5*(F*(alpha==0)-K*(alpha==-1)); end % phi function y = phi(this,v, K, alpha, F, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau, v0) k = log(K); y = real(exp(-1i*(v-1i*alpha)*k).*(*(alpha+1), F, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau, v0)./(-(v-1i*(alpha+1)).*(v-1i*alpha)))); end % cf function c = cf(this,u, F, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau, v0) f = log(F); c = exp(1i*u*f+ this.A(u, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau) + this.Bv(u, rho, sigma, kappa, tau)*v0); end % Bv function b = Bv(this,u, rho, sigma, kappa, tau) b = ((this.beta(u,rho,sigma,kappa) - ... this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)).*(1-exp(-this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)*tau)))./... (sigma.^2 * ( 1 - this.G(u, rho, sigma, kappa).* exp(- this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)*tau))); end % A function a = A(this,u, kappa, theta, rho, sigma, tau) a = (kappa * theta * ((this.beta(u,rho,sigma,kappa) - this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)) *... tau-2*log(this.phi2(u, rho, sigma, kappa, tau))))/sigma.^2; end % phi2 function p = phi2(this,u, rho, sigma, kappa, tau) p = (this.G(u, rho, sigma, kappa).*exp(-this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)*tau)-1)./... (this.G(u, rho, sigma, kappa)-1); end % G function g = G(this,u, rho, sigma, kappa) g = (this.beta(u,rho,sigma,kappa) - this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa))./... (this.beta(u,rho,sigma,kappa) + this.D(u, rho, sigma, kappa)); end % D function d = D(this,u, rho, sigma, kappa) d = sqrt(this.beta(u,rho,sigma,kappa).^2-4 * this.alphahat(u) * this.gamma(sigma)); end % alphahat function a = alphahat(this,u) a = -0.5*u.*(1i+u); end % beta function b = beta(this,u,rho,sigma,kappa) b = kappa-rho*sigma*u*1i; end % gamma function y = gamma(this,sigma) y = 0.5*sigma.^2; end % checkAndLoadModelConfig function checkAndLoadModelConfig(this) modelConfig = getConfig('Heston','calibration'); % v0 if isfield(modelConfig,'v0') this.initialParamConfig.v0 = modelConfig.v0; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'v0 provided, initial vol set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'v0 not provided, initial vol missing'); end % theta if isfield(modelConfig,'theta') this.initialParamConfig.theta = modelConfig.theta; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'theta provided, theta set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'theta not provided, theta missing'); end % rho if isfield(modelConfig,'rho') this.initialParamConfig.rho = modelConfig.rho; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'rho provided, rho set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'rho not provided, rho missing'); end % kappa if isfield(modelConfig,'kappa') this.initialParamConfig.kappa = modelConfig.kappa; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'kappa provided, kappa set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'kappa not provided, kappa missing'); end % sigma if isfield(modelConfig,'sigma') this.initialParamConfig.sigma = modelConfig.sigma; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'sigma provided, vol of vol set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'sigma not provided, vol of vol missing'); end % alpha0 if isfield(modelConfig,'alpha0') this.initialParamConfig.alpha0 = modelConfig.alpha0; Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.INFO,... 'alpha0 provided, alpha0 set'); else Logger.getInstance.log(LogType.FATAL,... 'alpha0 not provided, alpha0 missing'); end end %getVararginValues function [sInitial,div] = getVararginValues(this,varargin) % set empty values before checking sInitial = []; div = []; % check if name value arg is present in varargin sInitialIdx = find(strcmp(varargin,'sInitial'),1); divIdx = find(strcmp(varargin,'dividend'),1); % set name value args if present in varargin if ~isempty(sInitialIdx) sInitial = varargin{sInitialIdx + 1}; end if ~isempty(divIdx) div = varargin{divIdx + 1}; end end end
Getters and Setters
methods (Access = public) %isCalibrated function calibrationStatus = isCalibrated(this) calibrationStatus = this.calibrated; end %getCalibratedParam function calibratedParam = getCalibratedParam(this) calibratedParam = this.calibratedParam; end end